Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Party Pictures

Fire Ball Christmas tree WINNER

Lance was the winner of the fireballs in the christmas tree with the closest guess of 138. There was 141 balls.


Christmas Party

Thank you all for taking the time to come join in at the Montgomery Christmas Party. Lots of laughs and great food was had by all. I know that I will never sing the twelve days of Christmas the same agian. The vision of a "Partridge in a Pear Tree" will always make me laugh. What a great group of people. I have so many great memories of each and everyone of you and I hope we can continue to making more. Sorry it has taken me so long to get these posted. I woke up on Sunday morning with the gomboo and the week was a fog til I took a couple extra days off work and got things together for the big day.

I hope everyone had a safe and merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What a Great Idea!

This is a great idea!  Family please use this site.
When Vernal and Fern Montgomery's family was small, as in Robbin being in first grade.  I noticed that so many of the older people knew each other and they were very glad to see me AGAIN.  This always puzzled me because I sure didn't remember seeing them.
Grandma Jones sat me down on the couch with her big picture book and explained that I was very important to all of the people in that book.  They belonged to me and I belonged to them.  It was amazing to think about.  Every time I went to Grandma Jones or Grandma Montgomery's homes I was again shown the pictures and told stories of my family.  This site is a way for us as their children, grandchildren, etc. to do the same thing.  Sharing our stories and pictures will help us draw closer to each other.  I have one request. So we can learn how we are related end your post with your direct line.

Example: Avanell, Dendra, Saddie

This would be how Saddie would end a post.  That way we can tell where cousins and other family members belong.
This is the Michael and Dendra Stratton family 2009.  We have added two new grandbabies this year.
*Avanell, Dendra